

Workshop of systemic constellations
Stephan Hausner

(near Vienna)

31st of March - 2nd of April 2023

This workshop of systemic constellations led by Stephan Hausner is designed for people who want to maintain healthy relations with themselves, their bodies, their families and colleagues, within their teams and society. Anyone curious to explore and experience the whole concept of “health” using systemic constellations is welcome.

We are exposed to our environment. Stephan Hausner considers health as our ability to respond to it. Often, we are overwhelmed by what is there to digest. This leads to disconnection, separation and fragmentation. We break apart from others and from ourselves. The healing movement is to reconnect, to restore the relation.

As a participant, you are invited to bring your questions related to both personal and professional issues, health issues included. You will have the opportunity to explore and share them in a group setting expertly held by Stephan.

The number of workshop participants will be limited to ensure the right setting for a deeper process of exploration and sharing.

The workshop will be held in English but translation to Slovak will be provided.

Stephan Hausner is a world-renowned facilitator who leads courses in 45 countries on 5 continents in this innovative phenomenological approach to transformation. His solid training in traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, and osteopathy for the past 30 years is the perfect foundation to give voice to the connection of symptoms and trans-generational trauma that prevents us from living our potential. Stephan Hausner applies Systemic Constellations work in the field of chronic illness and health. He has worked, taught, and trained for over 25 years. He is dedicated to exploring the healing potential of Systemic Constellation Work. He is the author of the book “Even if it Costs me My Life – Systemic Constellations and Serious Illness”, which has been translated into 13 languages.

Feel free to contact Helena Ballová from iSPAK if you have any questions about this workshop. +421 903 206 622 or


31st of March 2023 ... 17:00 - 20:00 (Friday)
01st of April 2023 ... 10:00 - 18:00 (Saturday)
02nd of April 2023 ... 10:00 - 18:00 (Sunday)


The participation fee of 450 € (VAT 20% excl.)


This international workshop will be held in Bratislava (SLOVAKIA) 
(near Vienna)  at Hotel Apollo, Bratislava

For participants of the workshop is offered special price for accomodatio at Hotel Apollo.